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Category Archives: General
Announcement: International day of Astronomy – 5. April 2014
The Day of Astronomy on Saturday 5. of April is almost there. The Sternwarte Aachen, is, as every year so far, taking part and will have their doors opened from 15:00h until ‘open end’. A number of talks and experiments will complement the observation of the Sun, the Moon and other astronomical objects throughout the day. In addition to the 8″ main refractor, a number of amateur telescopes will be also available for observation.
Impressions of the Astronomy Day 2012 can be found here.
“Sidewalk Astronomy” in Memoriam of John Dobson
In memoriam of the recently deceased amateur astronomer John Dobson, who died aged 98 on 15. January 2014, an International Side walk Astronomy Night (ISAN), i.e. a public observation, was announced by the Sidewalk Astronomers. John Dobson is known mainly for his invention of the Dobsonian Telescope and for being a co-founder of the aforementioned Sidewalk Astronomers. The latter set up their telescopes in a spot with many casual observers, who are invited to join the observation.
A couple of amateur astronomers from the Observatory in Aachen (Sternwarte Aachen) took part in this event on 08. March 2014 in the Elisengarten in Aachen.

Participants of the ISAN in memoriam of John Dobson.
During perfect weather, the Sun and the Moon were visible and could be observed with a large number of different telescopes.
More photos of the event can be found at: http://www.fotowald.de/thumbnails-119.html